1. Successfully registering both the school and the Zimsec centre in its first year.
  2. Boreholes (deep water wells), tanks, pumps, solar panels
  3. Completion of the ECD (kindergarten) block in 2011
  4. Establishment of a computer lab and library
  5. Construction of the gazebo for outdoor activities and feeding
  6. Establishment of a nutrition garden
  7. Connection of our toilets to the municipal system
  8. Construction of a culture village
  9. Landscaping
  10. Construction of playgrounds
  11. Acquisition of textbooks and other teaching/learning materials
  12. Acquisition of appropriate furniture for classrooms, boardroom and offices
  13. Production of grade 7 results averaging 88% since 2010
  14. Producing upright learners through adherence to Catholic ethos
  15. Construction of a fowl run and producing broilers and road runners (poultry)